So many times people bitch about their commutes, so today I thought I would praise mine. When we moved to Prodigal City, Prodigal Spouse and I decided to only look for houses so that we could either walk 15-20 minutes (or less) or take public transit. We ended up around 30-40 min away by transit, and right near a bike path. So now I commute by bike (also 30-40 minutes) most of the time, and take transit during bad weather.
Here's why I love my commute:
1. By bike, I get to do physical activity 1 to 1.5 hrs a day WITHOUT adding extra time to my schedule.
2. Either on the bike or on transit, I am alone with no Internet and don't use my phone, so I have some good time to think.
3. My commute is really cheap, and I get to live far enough away from Prodigal U that there are few drunken students.
4. On transit, I can actually read papers (if I am so inclined UNINTERRUPTED for 30 minutes!)
When I was a student, I had to live where I could afford it. When I was at National Lab, I picked a place I really wanted to live without thinking about what it would be like to commute there every day. After that experience (and having added kids), I decided to use pleasant commute as one of the main considerations in where to live, since I commute twice a day at least 5 days a week, and go out maybe once a month (post-kids). I have to say that the quality of my life is vastly improved living a bit out of the way with a good commute over living in a "better" location with a crappy commute.
Whine and Cheese
2 weeks ago
Hear, hear! Living about half an hour by bike from work is the only way I can trick myself into getting exercise.
My public transit commute is also 30-40 min of quite time. To read papers, think about the project or just chill!
There are things that I don't think of in the lab while doing work, that just 'come to me' when sitting quietly!
Thanks for the comments! Glad ot see I am not alone.
I couldn't agree with you more. I moved from close to the lab to a more inland location. I love my BART commute. Gives time to look at the hills, and read (!), papers, books, whatever. People never realize that a 30-40 min commute can actually give time to unwind, over a 10 min crappy commute that is neither here nor there. I also love working on the plane - somehow feels like concentrated effort.
I picked a place I really wanted to live without thinking about what it would be like to commute there every day
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